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Auteur François Luthi |
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Alexandre Brügger ; François Luthi ; Philippe Vuistiner ; Stéphane Cherix ; Olivier Borens ; Sylvain Steinmetz |Background Individuals requiring non-traumatic Gritti-Stokes amputation or mid-thigh amputation usually have multiple comorbidities that place them at high risk of mortality. Objective To determine survival rate 5 years after Gritti-Stokes and m[...]Article
Charles Benaim ; François Luthi ; Philippe Vuistiner ; Stefan M. Scholz-Odermatt ; Cyrille Burrus ; Michel Konzelmann ; Bertrand Léger |Background Despite numerous previous studies, predicting the ability to work (ATW) after an upper limb injury (ULI) remains difficult for those still not working 3?24 months after their initial injury. Objectives We aimed to identify simple prog[...]